Tuesday, January 23, 2007

today was the first day of classes, and we had a 2 hour delay. it was pretty glorious because that meant that i didn't have my 7:50 class, which is amazing. i only have that class 1 time this week. i'm pretty excited about that. tomorrow, i start my day of classes at 9:20, and i end at 4:10. i'm not too happy about the ending time, but what can you do, right? that last class is one that's required for graduation, so why not get it done and over with now? i'm also taking a women's ministry class that i'm pretty excited about. lately i've been thinking more about using my major in ministry somehow, and this should help a lot. after this semester, i'll have taken 2 women's ministry classes (not both at liberty, but who's counting that?). i think it's a good thing. little did i know that some of the classes i took during my really random semester at western would have ended up working out for my major? not me, that's for sure! i was just thinking that those classes were ones i took for fun...they ended up being fairly helpful. anyways, i should probably get going. i don't want to, but i should go to bed now because i have to get up and shower and everything in the morning. i'll probably get up before my alarm goes off because emily is getting up before me. that's okay though. maybe i'll get down to the dining hall and have something to eat because i don't get lunch until after 1:35. anyways, i'm gonna go to bed now.