...has been a weird one.
On Friday, my brother was released from the hospital and got to go HOME!!! Not to a rehab center, but to his house! We had been told that he would be released to a rehab place for his lungs to heal more, but they didn't end up doing that. Simply amazing.
Then, I've been the BEST little sister on the face of the planet, and I cleaned his room and his kitchen, did his laundry and am planning on helping him clean out his car sometime this week.
Then, yesterday when I left for work, I walked out of my apartment building to see this:
In case you are wondering, yes, that is my car, and yes, there used to be something covering my engine. In fact, that something that was covering my engine matched the color of my car, and was there when I went to bed the night before. And, in case you were also wondering, no, the police have never heard of someone stealing just the hood of a car, and no, the mechanic has also never heard of someone just stealing the hood of a car. In fact, every person I've told has thought I was joking until I showed them the picture.
A couple people have asked me if a friend would have pulled a prank and taken the hood, but I have assured them that my friends would have left a note, and that they wouldn't have done it this close to Jason being home. Oy vey.
I'm currently working on finding my voice for my blog. Deciding what it is that I am going to write about. I believe I'm leaning more towards faith and life. My faith is super important to me right now, and then, you know, daily life. I'm also thinking about posting natural recipes sometimes - I have found recently that I cannot have processed sugar. It does not like me at all, so I have been looking for alternatives to that and trying to modify recipes so as to be able to eat things that others can eat and not be absolutely sick from that. There are some things that I have figured out in my mind, but am not sure if they will work or not yet. I'll let you know on here whether they were successes or failures...I think...
Signing off for now. Hoping to begin really using this soon - I really want to begin writing again - I did so much while I lived in New York because it was the only outlet I had while working a really draining job. It was so therapeutic, and I would love to begin doing that again.
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