Monday, February 26, 2007


God is amazing. He continues to show me daily how wonderful life with Him is. i've been told by my advsor that i can graduate in december of 2008, which is pretty exciting. then, i think i'm going to start grad school, and try to finish that asap. i'm not sure what i'm going to do after i graduate, or where i'm going to go, but i know that that will come in time. even though things are up in the air, which i hate, i am going to just trust God and see where He leads me. i now also have to figure out where i'm going to do my internship in the summer of 2008 if i really do want to graduate in december of that year, but that will all come in time. i've got to get some stuff done here before then also. anyways, i'm leaving for work soon.

and, what about you, my blog reader, what is God showing you today?