Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Cannot hold it in...

Has something so spectacular that you immediately started calling everyone you know just to tell them the good news ever happened to you? To be honest, it has happened to me - several times. I can think back on my life and pinpoint those moments. The first big one was when I was in high school and I got accepted to work in a leadership training program at a summer camp. Another was when I was accepted into the nursing program at Liberty University. Another was when I found out that I was going to Asia with a woman's team this past school year. The most recent was when I was offered the job that I am currently holding.

Now, those things are good things - they are things that should be shared with the people who love you.

As I was reading my Bible this morning, I came across a verse that started me thinking about these things. I'm not going to share the whole thing - just the part that got me thinking - "there is in my heart as it were a burning fire shut up in my bones, and I am weary with holding it in, and I cannot." This is the prophet Jeremiah speaking. Just before this portion of the verse, he was saying that he could never say that he would no more speak the Word of God for this very reason. How often do we begin calling everyone we know who does not know the Lord just to share the good news of His death with them? I wouldn't ever think twice about calling everyone about getting a good job or getting accepted into seminary, but there is a part of me that would hesitate to call certain people just to share the news of God. Now, I am not in any way saying that this is right, because it isn't. I should be more willing to share Christ with someone than I am to share about someone buying me Starbucks that day.

I'm definitely feeling convicted today about this. It has been running through my mind for a good portion of the day - how can I be more eager to share the love of God with another person? How can I begin to share how grateful I am to Him that He saved me and set me apart for a specific purpose? How can I be a light to the world around me without getting embarrassed with the message I am sharing?