Monday, March 25, 2013

dear 16-year-old me...

i've seen this done several times around the internet, and thought i would join in, so here goes...

dear 16-year-old me,

i know life is hard. believe me. i was there. in fact, i'm there with you. i want to give you some advice that a few more years will give you - maybe you'll use this for the better.

first, spend all the time you can with your family. some of them are going to be in brasil before you know it and you will miss out on so much. make time for them.

second, don't freak out about college. you're going to graduate. i promise. take your first 2 years at community college. you don't need to go to a private school right away. you're going to end up going to liberty university in virginia. don't fight it - it is the best decision of your life. make sure that you live in dorm 30 on the 3rd floor. quickly find emily, emily, kim, and jenn and hang on to them. they will get you through your 4 years at liberty. yes, you will be there for 4 years. believe me, it is worth it. make sure to take advantage of your friendship with monica - it will be one of the best decisions of your life.

third, it isn't about you. it is about someone else. always. look for the person it is about, because it isn't about you. reach out to that person and tell them that it will be okay - you've been there - you will walk through this with them.

fourth, spend time with jason. a lot of time. read his books (they're cooler than you think they are, i promise). watch his tv shows. maybe not his movies (a lot of those are fairly awful :). he isn't going to be around forever. i'm not going to tell you too much about that stuff because there needs to be some stuff left for you to experience, but remember that he isn't going to be here forever. you will regret every time you told him you didn't have time.

fifth, mom is WAY cooler than you think she is, and i know exactly how cool you think she is, but i promise, she is cooler. make sure to talk to her at least once a week while you're away at school.

lastly, don't argue with God. He's got a better plan. i know that His plan derails yours, but it is better. look for the better when you think everything is falling apart - you learn a lot through that crash, so i'm not going to spoil it for you, but look for the better instead of trying to argue and hold on to what is falling apart.