Monday, October 09, 2006

hearing God interrupt your plans

no lies, it's not easy. to have this plan in mind and then have God come and interrupt this plan that you've had and tell you that your plans are not the right plans for your life. this is a lesson that i've been learning for several years, and you would think that i would have learned this a long time ago because it's a lesson that God has had to teach me several different times.

scenario #1: high school - in my junior year, i had 2 options for my summer. sometime in january, i made up my own mind and decided i was going to take the easy summer. i'm saying easy, but not really meaning EASY. i was going to stay home and do a lot of volunteer work with my youth group, and then go with them to mexico and help build a house. now, if you really know me, you might be thinking, chelsey...going to mexico...and building a house? well, i sometimes have ideals for doing things that are out of the ordinary in my life (kind of like the other weekend when i played flag football with the girls on my hall). well, God had different plans for my summer. i ended up working at a summercamp in washington state, and doing a lot all summer long. it was an amazing summer, and i wouldn't have traded it for anything, but when God interrupted my planning, i wasn't happy at all. it took a lot for me to give up my own plans and surrender to God's plans.

scenario #2: still in high school - God asked me to go to a school that didn't have the major that i intended to graduate with, and i am still not positive why i ended up there, but i definitely wouldn't have traded those 2 years for anything. i had an amazing time.

scenario #3: college - the reason for originally starting this post - God pulled me out of my intended major and placed me into another one. never in my life did i see myself as anything except a nurse, but at this point in my life, i can't see myself actually becoming a nurse...not only for the fact that i am no longer in one of the required nursing classes, but for the fact that i know that it is something that i am not supposed to do in my life. i am supposed to do something different. looking at this now, i should have known a long time ago. no lies, but i was too busy making my own plans and thinking about the things that i wanted out of life. i thought i was praying for God's will in my life, but in all actuality i was telling God what i wanted in life. it was something that i needed to get over. when i did i found that God's plans are always the best. i'm not gonna lie, i'm happy. i'm content. i know i'm headed in the right direction.

p.s. emily is sleeping, and she just knocked something off of the bed or something like that. it makes me laugh.

p.p.s. i'm gonna go to bed now. no lies. i've got to get some sleep.