Thursday, October 05, 2006

new thoughts...letting go

so, never in my life did i think that i would be letting go of a dream that i had had for so long. if you know me at all, you know that i've wanted to be a nurse for as long as i can remember. well, not anymore. God showed me some things about myself and Himself in the past couple weeks, and i relized that becoming a nurse was MY dream and not His dream for me. so, i had to get over myself and allow God to show me what He wanted for me. it was followed by a couple uncertain weeks and days, but i'm thinking now that i know what direction to head in. i am now majoring in family and child development and minoring in business and psychology. it is such a liberating experience to let go of everything that i've held so dear in my life to embrace everything that God has for me. if this is something that you've never done, i encourage you to let go of all of the things that you hold dear in your life, no matter what it is, and give it all to God. if it is something that He has in mind for you, He'll give it back. if it is something that you just really need to let go of, God will give you a peace about it. i'm not gonna dream of becoming a nurse was a HARD one to give up, but i know that what i'm going into now is going to be SO much better than what i was going to do. i love it when God surprises you with something that you didn't expect.

life is good. eternal life is better.