Monday, July 11, 2011


I haven't really known what to write here for a few days except for a desperate plea for prayer for my brother. I am currently sitting in his hospital room - my mom is also here - and listening to the sound of the ventilator. I would so much rather be talking about what we are going to do for the upcoming Harry Potter movie, but instead, I am here.

I guess, I'll share a funny story from this morning. My mom and I were sitting and I looked over and noticed that he was moving. He's not supposed to be moving right now. He's supposed to be completely still because they want him resting and relaxing and healing. Well, we went and got the nurse and she came and was adjusting the medications, and we thought we had gotten him back under so mom went out to the lobby with Tim to eat lunch, but we were wrong. He wasn't quite back under. In short, he reached up to try and take stuff out, and I told him "No!" and he dropped his hand down hard onto the bed. I was holding his hand and he tried to reach up again and I said, "Jason Richard Taylor, you need to stop trying to take your stuff out! Hold my hand down here on the pillow." He then started trying to push me away and I told him "You can try all you want to push me away but I'm not going anywhere." He then stuck his tongue out at me. All of this with his eyes closed. Makes me laugh. He's still in there...just waiting to come out. We need him to hang in there a little longer and sleep so that he can get better.

Thank you all for your prayers. They are much appreciated. We have a Caring Bridge site dedicated to him. If you would like to see the updates, please go here: