Thursday, January 11, 2007


break is almost over, and i'm thinking it's kind of bittersweet. i went out to canyonview yesterday and i visited with shawn and i saw ren, melissa, sherylin, and austin. it was a good time. and tomorrow, i'm gonna head out to western and visit katrina and hopefully see melissa while i'm out there.

this saturday, i'm having a birthday/going away taco dinner with the college age kids from church. it's gonna be a good time. and then, at some point, i'm gonna go out with sarah for a little while.

i'm leaving for school in less than a week, and i'm pretty excited about that. then, there's a couple hockey games next weekend at school, and i'm pretty excited about those. i've missed hockey over the break.

well, i'm gonna get going. i'm watching friends with my mom while she's trying to figure out her new phone. i'm a little bit jealous of her for getting the new's the phone that i wanted, but i'll end up getting it at some point...probably next month or something.