Friday, August 12, 2011

And, one week later...

Just over a week ago (I meant to write this post yesterday) I was making plans with my brother. We were hanging out and had made a trip to IKEA looking for a dresser for his room. We were going to begin going through his many boxes of things in his garage to see what he could get rid of.

Now, I will be going through his things to see what we can get rid of, but not because Jason is trying to scale back his things...because we cannot hold onto everything that he owned. And, all at the same time, I don't want to get rid of anything because these things are the last things we have of Jason's.

I find solace in the fact that he is in a better place, but that does not take away the pain and sadness that I feel while I'm still here.

Just over a week ago, I had no idea how much my life was about to change, and while I wouldn't wish Jason back from where he is, I was not ready for him to go. I wanted him around as we got older. We were friends now - not just siblings. I wanted my friend around in my life for much longer, but God called him home, and I am so glad that He is in control of everything.

And, on another note, my good friend had a baby on Sunday. He's a complete cutie-pie. And, another friend had me go to the store with her today and I held her little girl the whole time we were there, and even though she spit up in my lap, it was completely worth it hanging out with her and playing with the baby.